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Quality Outside School Hours Care

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Gidgillys Early Education and Care is proud to bring Jindabyne and its wider community 'Jindabyne OSHC' in collaboration with Snowy Mountains Grammar School. Jindabyne OSHC is an outside school hours care facility located at the Snowy Mountains Grammar School offering qualified and dedicated Educators to care for school aged children before and after school hours (including school holidays) in a safe, fun and relaxed environment. This opportunity is for all school aged children in the Snowy Monaro region.


Jindabyne OSHC’s offers 28 positions with a varied program that will reflect the value of play and social interactions with a focus on the wellbeing of the children. As a high-quality care and education service we aim to provide an environment where your children can have fun, make friends and form relationships.


Jindabyne OSHC  is operated from the SMGS 'P6' classroom. The children will also be able to access the oval, playground, toilets and the eat street area. There will be plenty of open-ended resources for the children to use!


Upon arrival the children will be offered a light and healthy snack and the OSHC program will evolve organically with the children's current interests and needs. The children will have an opportunity to complete homework, if they wish, although Jindabyne OSHC initially provides an environment where the children can relax, develop relationships and have no pressures, so homework is definitely optional!


If you require your school aged children to be cared for before and/or after their school day we offer our services from:




7.00 am - 8.30 am
$20/Session (incl. a light healthy breakfast)


3.20 pm - 6.00 pm

$30/Session (incl. fruit and a healthy snack)




7.30 am - 6.00 pm


Please see our Facebook page for vacation care program updates


(Initial Enrolment Fee $30/family)


To register or sign in please use the registration below. You will be required to download the Xplor Home APP on your smart phone for all booking requests, financials and signing in and out.






ABN 32 785 989 738



Learning through play and leisure with quality experiences developing life skills, sense of enjoyment, social and emotional development and communication
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Jindabyne OSHC bases its education program on the 'My Time, Our Place - Framework for School Age Care in Australia' which has been developed by The Council of Australian Governments.


The Framework acknowledges the importance of play and leisure in children’s learning and development and that their learning is not limited to any particular time or place. Developing life skills and a sense of enjoyment are emphasised. The Framework recognises the importance of social and emotional development and communication in learning through play and leisure, and it forms the foundation for ensuring that children in all school age care settings engage in quality experiences for rich learning, personal development and citizenship opportunities.


Programming will be based on the children's interest and needs and recorded as group documentation whilst focusing on the wellbeing of the children in a safe and secure environment.


Please find links to our policies, we are happy to make these available for your information. If you feel you would like to contribute to a certain policy or have any comments in relation to them, please feel free to contact the Director to discuss. Your opinions and values are of the utmost importance to our centre and our Educators.



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